
Kennesaw Home Services

Serving the Kennesaw Area

A Whirlwind Day: Keeping Naperville Warm, One Furnace at a Time

2 min read

Rise and Shine: The Life of an Energy Services Technician

As the sun peeks over the horizon in Naperville, IL, I’m already up and at ’em. Working for Energy Services means no two days are alike, but they’re always filled with the satisfaction of keeping our community warm and cozy.

7:00 AM: First Stop – Furnace Repair in Wheaton

My day kicks off with an urgent call from a family in Wheaton. Their furnace decided to take an ill-timed vacation, leaving them shivering. After a thorough inspection, I discover a faulty igniter. Within an hour, I’ve replaced the part, and the grateful family can feel the warmth returning to their home.

10:30 AM: Routine Maintenance in Bolingbrook

Next up, I head to Bolingbrook for a scheduled furnace service. Regular maintenance is key to preventing unexpected breakdowns, and I’m always happy to educate homeowners on the importance of this often-overlooked task.

1:00 PM: Lunch Break in Downers Grove

A quick stop in Downers Grove for lunch and to catch up on some paperwork. Energy Services values efficiency, both in our work and our energy use!

2:30 PM: Furnace Replacement Consultation in Lisle

The afternoon takes me to Lisle, where I meet with a couple considering a furnace replacement. We discuss:

  • Energy-efficient options
  • Cost savings over time
  • Installation process

By the end of our chat, they’re excited about the prospect of a more comfortable and cost-effective home.

5:00 PM: Emergency Heating Repair in Aurora

Just as I’m wrapping up, a call comes in from Aurora. An elderly resident’s heating system has completely shut down. I race over, diagnosing and fixing the issue before the sun sets. The relief on their face as warmth floods back into their home reminds me why I love this job.

As I drive home, I reflect on another day of keeping our community warm and safe. At Energy Services, we’re not just fixing furnaces; we’re providing peace of mind, one home at a time.