
Kennesaw Home Services

Serving the Kennesaw Area

Seasonal HVAC Tips for Year-Round Comfort in Durham, Morrisville, and Chapel Hill

1 min read

Understanding Seasonality in HVAC Maintenance

At All Weather Heating and Cooling Inc., we know that the changing seasons bring unique challenges to your home’s comfort system. Whether you’re in Durham, Morrisville, or Chapel Hill, NC, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to HVAC maintenance and repairs.

Spring: Preparing for the Heat

As winter fades, it’s time to focus on your air conditioning system:

  • Schedule AC maintenance to ensure efficiency
  • Replace air filters
  • Clear debris from outdoor units

Summer: Peak AC Season

During the hot months, your AC works overtime. Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Monitor your energy bills for sudden increases
  • Listen for unusual noises that may indicate AC repair needs
  • Consider AC replacement if your unit is over 10 years old

Fall: Transitioning to Heating

As temperatures cool, shift your focus to your heating system:

  • Schedule a heating system tune-up
  • Check for drafts and improve insulation
  • Clean or replace furnace filters

Winter: Keeping Warm and Efficient

Cold weather puts stress on your heating system:

  • Monitor indoor humidity levels
  • Keep vents clear of obstructions
  • Consider HVAC repair if you notice uneven heating

Remember, All Weather Heating and Cooling Inc. is here to help with all your seasonal HVAC needs in Durham, Morrisville, and Chapel Hill. Whether it’s AC repair, HVAC maintenance, or AC replacement, our experts are just a call away to ensure your year-round comfort.